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Child Development Workshop


The first seven years of a human being’s life lays the foundation and ground for the rest of life and is thus a most important time. The human being’s future development and, in fact, the development of humanity, depends on health-giving experiences from birth.

The physical body would never again grow and develop as much as it does in these years: maintaining body temperature, digesting solid food, crawling and standing, walking, running, learning to speak, developing the nervous system. Everything the child perceives through the senses is absorbed and it learns by imitating others.

Teachers and parents thus have a tremendous responsibility and play an important role in the development of the child. Every word and action is absorbed. The question every parent or teacher can ask is “How can I ensure the child feels secure and that the world is good?”

In the Child Development workshop Ruth and Cobie will engage you in games, songs, rhymes and stories to discover what the child needs and how the adults in its life can support its healthy development.

“The child who lives in an atmosphere of love and warmth, and who has around him really good examples for his imitation, is living in his right element. One should therefore strictly guard against anything being done in the child’s presence that he must not imitate." – Rudolf Steiner



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